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Good Unused Names for an Anime Character

Good Unused Names for an Anime Character

In this article, we volition share a listing of names of cute anime characters with their meanings. Perfect for you to choose a proper noun for pet or even your kid, or to know the meaning of the names of your favorite and popular characters. We will also teach you how to apply apps and websites to help you find the meaning of anime names.

At the offset of the article we intend to choose the names of the well-nigh popular anime characters, along with their surnames. We desire to take the original ideograms of the name so that you lot know the true meaning of the character's name, since in Japanese a unmarried name can accept several ways of writing with different meanings.

Mayhap this article is not enough or it doesn't accept the name of the anime you are looking for. For this reason, we recommend that you also open up our article: how to find out the meaning of Japanese names .


Anime character names and their meanings

To make this list most the significant of the names of the anime characters I did a research to find out which names were most popular amongst the characters, I also tried to understand which characters were the about popular in the anime.

Meaning of Boku no Hero Academia character names

The meaning of the name Uraraka Ochako [麗日お茶子] is something bright and beautiful. The characters [麗日] mean a glorious jump twenty-four hour period, where only the [麗] ways lovely, beautiful, svelte and resplendent. While the name Ochako [茶子] refers to tea [茶] and a child [子].

The significant of the name Midoriya Izuku [緑谷出久] is a green valley [緑谷] where [緑] means green and [谷] means valley. Izuku's ideograms mean [出] going out, going out and [久] long time. See other curiosities of Boku no Hero.

List of anime character names and their meanings

The meaning of the names of the characters of Bleach

The pregnant of the name Ichigo Kurosaki [一護黒崎] is not a strawberry every bit some think. Despite being a slight reference to fruit, Ichigo [一護] is written which means to protect [護] a [一] matter. Kurosaki [黒崎] ways black cover [崎] black [黒]. Ichigo also remembers the number fifteen, and then nosotros tin run across the xv as an easter egg at different times in the work.

The pregnant of the names of the characters of Dragon Ball


The meaning of the name Gohan [悟飯] refers to "one who is nourished by understanding" or "enlightenment that nourishes". The ideogram [悟] means to discern, perceive, sympathise, illuminate. While [飯] ways cooked rice or meal.

The meaning of the name Goku [悟空] refers to "angelic enlightenment" or "celestial perception". The name has the ideogram of [空] which means heaven or emptiness. The surname Son [孫] of the characters Son Goku and Son Gohan means grandson or descendant.

List of anime character names and their meanings

The meaning of the names of Naruto characters

The pregnant of the name Hinata Hyuuga [日向ヒナタ] from Anime Naruto can mean "place in the sun", "sunny place" or "sunflower". The names Hinata and Hyuuga are both written [日向] and take the same pregnant, and so Hinata is written in katakana.


The meaning of the proper noun Sakura Haruno [サクラ春野] is besides written in Katakana where Sakura means Cherry and Haruno [春野] means spring [春] and plains or fields [野].

Read too:

How to Notice the Proper name of an Anime Character?

You may not find the meaning of your favorite character's name in this article. Don't know how to spell it? Or don't fifty-fifty know the character'southward proper noun? Now we desire to help y'all with these three questions.

How to observe out a Character's proper name?

In this first situation, you take an prototype of the character, but not his name. You tin use something similar Google's reverse image search to find the source of that image.


If you find the origin of the image, information technology is very likely that the article or website in question has some indication of the proper name of that character. So search well, either in the championship of the epitome, in the description or in the source page.

If you fifty-fifty know the character's name, but don't know how to write it, maybe an option is to write it anyway forth with the anime's proper name, hoping that Google will correct the proper name.

Another manner to find the names of characters in an anime is to Google the anime along with the words characters. Usually sites like Wiki or Fandom have a listing of all characters.

How to know the Japanese writing of a Character's name?

If you know how to write the character's name, just Google it and a site like Wiki or Fandom volition present your original writing in Japanese.


Don't endeavour to utilise the Japanese keyboard or some online translator to figure out the spelling of an anime grapheme's proper noun, as information technology will probable become the spelling wrong.

Japanese names accept hundreds of dissimilar means to be written, for this reason we recommend having exact fonts referring to the anime character and not the generic name that tin can be written differently.

How to know the meaning of an anime character'due south name?

If you accept the name of the character written in Kanji at paw, you can figure out the significant of the name using dictionaries like

Merely put ideogram past ideogram in the dictionary to get a sense of the meaning of the proper name. Also consider other meanings of other ideograms, it may be that the author highlights some subconscious meanings.


We recommend the video on how to know the pregnant of anime character names below:

Anime Proper name Meaning Applications

There are apps that bear witness Japanese names and their meanings. Just go to your Store on iOS or Android and search for keywords like Japanese names or Japanese names.

Another style to identify an anime graphic symbol's name is using dictionaries, some can exist constitute online like the aforementioned Jisho, but in that location are mobile apps that facilitate this process.

Expect in your store for apps named JIsho which ways Japanese dictionary. You lot tin can also discover apps from Reverse Image Search to discover character names from an epitome.

Applications for learning Japanese on Android and iOS
Mobile Apps for Studying Japanese

Male person Anime Character Names

The list below is all-encompassing and covers thousands of common names that mayhap appear in anime. Information technology'south not merely anime names, simply it fits in Japanese names.

          Responsive Table:          Curl the table sideways with your finger >>


Kanji Name Meaning
明宏 AKIHIRO dandy shine
昭夫 AKIO vivid human being
ARATA new, fresh
敦司 ATSUSHI industrious director
歩夢 AYUMU Dream Walk, Vision
And then peachy
恵子 DAICHI Great country
大輝 / 大貴 DAIKI great celebrity / corking nobility
大輔 DAISUKE great help
永次 EIJI guild of eternity
文雄 Fume literature, bookish hero
噛る GAJEEL champ
五郎 GORO fifth kid
八郎 HACHIRO 8th child
HAJIME starting
陽輝 HARUKI Bright sun
春男 HARUO spring man
陽斗 HARUTO flying sun
隼人 HAYATO militarist person
HIBIKI sound repeat
英明 HIDEAKI excellent brilliant
英樹 HIDEKI fantabulous wood trees
英夫 HIDEO excellent husband, human being
秀良 HIDEYOSHI good excellence
広明 Hiraki wide and spacious light
HIRAKU open, aggrandize
弘樹 HIROKI vast wood trees
博紀 HIRONORI Command chronicle, esteem
HIROSHI generous
大斗 HYROTH keen swell flight
宏行 HIROYUKI not bad journey
寿夫 HISAO long alive human, husband
久司 HISASHI longtime director, ruler
人志 HITOSHI motivated person
穂高 HOTAKA tall grain
一郎 ICHIRO Beginning son
ISAMU dauntless
ISAO merit
ITSUKI wood copse
二郎 JIRO second son
順一 JUNICHI start obedient (son)
十郎 SWEAR tenth kid
海斗 KAITO ocean flight
KATASHI company
KATSU victory
勝雄 KATSUO victorious and heroic human being
勝郎 KATSURO victorious son
和彦 KAZUHIKO harmonious boy
和宏 KAZUHIRO great harmony
和希 KAZUKI hope of harmony
和夫 KAZUO harmony man
KEN potent, healthy
健一 KENICHI first strong and good for you (child)
健太 KENTA big stiff, healthy
吉郎 KICHIRO lucky son
KIYOSHI purity
光希 KOUKI light hope
康太 KOUTA great peace
國男 KUNIO country human
九郎 KURO ninth child
MAMORU protective guard
MANABU study, learn
良昭 MASAAKI prissy glow
正彦 MASAHIKO fair boy
昌宏 MASAHIRO great prosperity
昌樹 MASAKI large wood tree
正則 MASANORI justice model, justice
正男 MASAO off-white man
MASARU victory
正志 MASASHI fair aspiration
正人 MASATO righteous person
正義 MASAYOSHI fair, honorable
正幸 MASAYUKI just blessing
道夫 MICHIO man on a journeying
幹夫 MIKIO tree torso man
MINORU truth
光雄 MITSUO brilliant hero
直樹 NAOKI honest wood tree
NOBORU become up, go upward
NOBU extend
信夫 NOBUO faithful and trustworthy homo
NOBURU expand
信幸 NOBUYUKI true joy
NORI to rule
法男 IN THE RIVER nice man
OSAMU disciplined, studious
RIKU Globe
陸人 RIKUTO earth person
六郎 ROKURO sixth child
RYO refreshing, cool
良一 RYOICHI good first (son)
涼太 RYOTA smashing refreshment
RYUU purple dragon
隆之介 RYUUNOSUKE predecessor of the noble
三郎 SABURO third child
貞雄 SADAO virtuous hero
SATORU wise, quick learner
SATOSHI wise, quick learner
精一 SEIICHI refined, pure commencement (son)
精二 SEIJI refined, pure 2d (son)
七郎 SHICHIRO 7th Son
重夫 SHIGEO heavy man
SHIGERU lush, well-grown
真一 SHINICHI true start (child)
真二 SHINJI real second (son)
四郎 SHIRO 4th kid
SHO wing
翔一 SHOICHI flying son (first)
翔二 SHOJI flight son (2d)
翔太 SHOUTA great flight
修一 SHUICHI beginning disciplined scholar (son)
修二 SHUJI disciplined and studious 2nd (son)
颯太 SOUTA great sudden
SUSUMU to proceed
忠夫 TADAO True-blue and loyal human being
TADASHI Faithful, faithful
太一 TAICHI first big (son)
大輝 TAIKI slap-up shine
貴大 TAKAHIRO of great value, nobility
貴夫 TAKAO noble
TAKASHI prosperous, noble
隆行 TAKAYUKI noble journey
竹彦 TAKEHIKO bamboo prince
武雄 TAKEO warrior hero
TAKESHI Fierce warrior
拓真 TAKUMA opening of truth
TAKUMI Craftsman
TAMOTSU protective guardian
太郎 TARO large son
竜雄 TATSUO dragon, imperial hero
竜也 TATSUYA be imperial, dragon
哲也 TETSUYA philosophy, of course
TOMIO wealth, fortune
西村 TOMOHIRO west village
TORU penetrate, make it clear
TOSHI sensible
利明 TOSHIAKI advantageous light
俊雄 TOSHIO genious leader, hero
智之 TOSHIYUKI of wisdom
恒雄 TSUNEO consistent hero
TSUTOMU diligence
陽太 Y'all ARE great sunlight
大和 YAMATO corking harmony
康夫 YASUO peace man
YASUSHI at-home
陽一 YOICHI first positive sun (son)
YORI Trust in
義昭 YOSHIAKI shining justice
良和 YOSHIKAZU good peace, Japan
佳範 YOSHINORI excellent model
吉生 YOSHIO joyful life
義郎 YOSHIRO off-white son
儀人 YOSHITO formalism person, correct
義行 YOSHIYUKI fair journey
雄一 YUICHI heroic first (son)
雄二 YUJI 2d heroic (son)
幸雄 YUKIO blessed hero
YUTAKA abundant, rich
雄大 YUUDAI big hero
優真 YUUMA kind and superior truth
勇太 YUUTA cracking bravery
悠人 YUUTO delicate person
明宏 AKIHIRO great polish
昭夫 AKIO brilliant man
ARATA new, fresh
敦司 ATSUSHI industrious director
歩夢 AYUMU Dream Walk, Vision
SO great
恵子 DAICHI Great land
大輝 / 大貴 DAIKI great glory / groovy nobility
大輔 DAISUKE slap-up assist
永次 EIJI order of eternity
文雄 Fume literature, academic hero
噛る GAJEEL gnaw
五郎 GORO fifth child
八郎 HACHIRO eighth child
HAJIME starting
陽輝 HARUKI Bright sun
春男 HARUO spring man

Female Anime Character Names

          Responsive Table:          Curlicue the table sideways with your finger >>
Kanji Name Meaning
愛藍 In that location love
愛佳 AIKA love song
愛子 AIKO love son
愛美 AIMI beautiful beloved
愛菜 AINA I dearest vegetables
愛莉 AIRI love jasmine
AKANE vivid red
明美 AKEMI brilliant beautiful
明子 AKIKO vivid child
天照 AMATERASU shining sky
亜美 AMI beautiful asia
麻美 ASAMI Forenoon beauty
明日香 ASUKA perfume tomorrow, fragrance
篤子 ATSUKO kind child
AYA color
彩花 AYAKA colorful flower
彩子 Ayako colorful child
菖蒲 AYAME iris
彩音 AYANE colorful sound
彩乃 AYANO My colour
CHIE wisdom, intellect
恵子 CHIEKO kid of intelligence, wisdom
千春 CHIHARU thou springs (as in the season)
散花 CHIKA spread flowers
千香子 CHIKAKO child of a thousand perfumes
千夏 CHINATSU g summers
千代 CHIYO chiliad generations
千代 CHIYOKO child of a thousand generations
CHO butterfly
蝶子 CHOUKO butterfly child
RAN Orchid
栄子 EIKO son of splendor
恵美 EMI beautiful approval
恵美子 EMIKO beautiful child blessing
絵理 ERI blessed award
悦子 ETSUKO son of joy
富美子 FUMIKO arable dazzler kid
HANA flower
花子 HANAKO flower child
春花 HARUKA Leap flower
春子 HARUKO spring child
春美 HARUMI beautiful spring
春菜 HARUNA jump vegetables
秀子 HIDEKO excellence child
HIKARI low-cal, radiance
陽菜 HINA vegetables sun
寛子 HIROKO generous kid
寛美 HIROMI generous beauty
久子 HISAKO long-lived son
HITOMI eye educatee
和花 HONOKA harmony flower
星子 HOSHIKO star kid
HOTARU Firefly
IZUMI jump fountain
純子 JUNKO pure and 18-carat child
上子 KAMIKO senior child
香奈子 KANAKO scented child from Nara (city in japan)
花音 KANON audio of flowers
KAORI perfume, fragrance
勝美 KATSUMI victorious beauty
一恵 KAZUE offset blessing
和子 KAZUKO son of harmony
和美 KAZUMI harmonious beauty
KEI respectful
恵子 / 敬子 KEIKO blessed child / respectful child
紀子 KIKO chronic child
KIKU chrysanthemum
KIMI noble
后子 KIMIKO Empress kid
清子 KIYOKO pure child
清美 KIYOMI pure dazzler
KOKORO soul, center
琴音 KOTONE koto sound (japanese harp)
久美子 KUMIKO longtime beautiful kid
恭子 KYOKO respectful child
MAI dance
舞子 MAIKO dancing kid
真優 MAY real kind
真希 MAKI true hope
真美 MAMI truthful beauty
MANNA dearest
愛美 MANAMI loving beautiful
舞桜 HAND dancing ruby-red blossom
真里子 MARIKO existent village child
成美 MASAMI get cute
益世 MASUYO benefits the globe
真優美 MAYUMI true gentle dazzler
MEGUMI blessing
芽生 MEI life sprouting
MI pretty
美智子 MICHIKO beautiful wise child
MIDORI light-green
美枝子 MIEKO cute kid blessing
美保 MIHO protected and guaranteed beauty
美香 MIKA beautiful fragrance
美姫 MIKI beautiful princess
美空 MIKU beautiful sky
美奈子 MINAKO beautiful child
美桜 MIO cute reddish blossom
美咲 MISAKI pretty flower
光子 MITSUKO son of the calorie-free
美羽 MIU cute plumage
美和 MIWA beautiful hamony, peace
美夜子 MIYAKO beautiful child dark
美代子 MIYOKO beautiful child of generations
美優 MIYU beautiful kind
美幸 MIYUKI beautiful blessing
美月 MIZUKI beautiful moon
MOE welling upwardly
百恵 MOMOE hundred blessings
桃花 MOMOKA peach bloom
桃子 MOMOKO peach child
森子 MORIKO son of the forest
NANA Seven
七海 NANAMI Seven seas
直子 NAOKO honest kid
直美 NAOMI honest cute
夏希 NATSUKI summertime promise
夏子 NATSUKO summer kid
夏美 NATSUMI beautiful summer
乃愛 NOA my love
信子 NOBUKO true-blue and reliable child
典子 NORIKO cool child
Male monarch lovely
麗子 REIKO ambrosial child
理恵 RIE true blessing
理香 RIKA true fragrance
理子 RIKO son of truth
RIN worthy
莉奈 RINA jasmine
里桜 RIVER reddish bloom hamlet
涼子 RYOKO refreshing child
幸子 SACHIKO cheerful happy child
咲希 SAKI bloom of promise
/ さくら SAKURA Blood-red Blossom
桜子 SAKURAKO cherry flower child
聡子 SATOKO wise son
聡美 SATOMI beautiful and wise
小百合 SAYURI pocket-size lily
節子 SETSUKO child melody
成子 SHIGEKO growing child
鹿 SHIKA deer
真珠 SHINJU Pearl
詩織 SHIORI poem
静夏 SHIZUKA peaceful summer
静子 SHIZUKO tranquility child
駿 SHUN fast speed
澄子 SUMIKO clarity child
SUZUME sparrow
貴子 TAKAKO noble child
TAKARA Treasure
多美子 TAMIKO kid of many beauties
富子 TOMIKO son of wealth, fortune
智子 TOMOKO son of wisdom, intellect
朋美 TOMOMI friend beatiful
敏子 TOSHIKO smart child
椿 TSUBAKI camellia bloom
TSUBAME consume (bird)
月子 TSUKIKO night child
Ane AND plum
梅子 UMEKO plum kid
和奏 WAKANA harmonious music
水曜日 WENDY Wednesday, water twenty-four hours
康子 YASUKO son of peace
陽子 YOKO son of sunshine
佳江 YOSHIE beautiful stream
良子 YOSHIKO son of kindness
結愛 YUA binding dear
結衣 YUI call apparel
結奈 YUINA connect
優花 YUKA delicate flower
佳梨 YUKARI beautiful pear tree
幸子 / 雪子 YUKIKO snow child / happiness child
優子 YUKO kind child
由美 YUMI beautiful reason
由美子 YUMIKO reason beautiful kid
百合 Yuri lily
百合子 YURIKO lily kid
優奈 YUUNA □ Kind
愛藍 There love
愛佳 AIKA dear song
愛子 AIKO dear son
愛美 AIMI cute love
愛菜 AINA I love vegetables
愛莉 AIRI love jasmine
AKANE bright ruby-red
明美 AKEMI brilliant cute
明子 AKIKO bright child
天照 AMATERASU shining sky
亜美 AMI beautiful asia
麻美 ASAMI Morning beauty
明日香 ASUKA perfume tomorrow, fragrance
篤子 ATSUKO kind kid
AYA color
彩花 AYAKA colorful blossom
彩子 Ayako colorful child
菖蒲 AYAME iris
彩音 AYANE colorful sound
彩乃 AYANO My color
CHIE wisdom, intellect
恵子 CHIEKO child of intelligence, wisdom
千春 CHIHARU m springs (as in the season)
散花 CHIKA spread flowers
千香子 CHIKAKO kid of a 1000 perfumes
千夏 CHINATSU thousand summers
千代 CHIYO thousand generations
千代 CHIYOKO child of a 1000 generations
CHO butterfly
蝶子 CHOUKO butterfly child
RAN Orchid
栄子 EIKO son of splendor
恵美 EMI beautiful blessing
恵美子 EMIKO beautiful child approving
絵理 ERI blessed award
悦子 ETSUKO son of joy
富美子 FUMIKO abundant beauty child
HANA flower
花子 HANAKO flower child
春花 HARUKA Bound blossom
春子 HARUKO jump child
春美 HARUMI beautiful spring
春菜 HARUNA spring vegetables

Anime grapheme names - Unisex

          Responsive Table:          Roll the table sideways with your finger >>
Kanji Name Significant
/ AKI vivid / autumn
/ AKIRA bright / clear
AOI blueish
HARU spring (as in flavour)
HIKARU light, radiance
向日葵 / 陽向 HINATA sunflower / facing the sun
HIRO generous
HISOKA cautious, reserved
JUN obedient
KAEDE board
KAORU fragrance
琥珀 KOHAKU amber
KYO cooperation
MADOKA round circumvolve
MAKOTO sincere
/ BUT only / true
真澄 MASUMI truthful clarity
MICHI style
MINORI truth
MITSURU satisfy, consummate
Non honest
NATSU summertime
/ REN lotus / dear
SHINOBU resistance
/ SORA sky
YASU Peace
/ YOSHI lucky / virtuous
/ YUKI happiness / snowfall
YUU □ Kind
優希 YUUKI Kind and superior hope
/ AKI vivid / autumn
/ AKIRA bright / articulate
AOI blue
HARU spring (as in flavour)

Good Unused Names for an Anime Character




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